Monday 26 February 2018

Personal update(s)

Long time since last post. More than one year has passed and I already started and finished working for Sandvik. When it comes to the relationship Marie and I was simply not right for each other and after enjoying being single for some time I fell for the woman of/in my life; Louise Balkén! (She is simply WOW!!) We live happy together, in a rental apartment, both our hometown Falun. As of 1st of March we both(!) work for Landstinget Dalarna, she as a "Facilities Strategist" and me as a "Process Owner Logistics". Let's make Landstinget Dalarna great again ;)

Officially Louise and I moved together the 1st of December, but I lived in Louise small apartment in Falun already far earlier that this autumn (2017) and enjoyed every second. We are really a good match (and "team"!) and even if we are not afraid of conflicts we do not seem to fight over anything at all. Let's find out if this is good or bad... ;-) When it comes to sport I'm still doing a lot of them, but for 2018 I decided to preliminary focus on road cycling. Both Louise and I invested in new road bikes and we are both performing very well on Zwift.

New Canyon bikes in October 2017 and we directly took the chance to ride these - awesome!
Last year I completed an Ironman, but also the first ever Swimrun Orienteering race, called LostWater Race, (held in Stockholm) and the biggest happening of 2017 a charity race called "Klassikern X-treme" together with 12 other enthusiastic and passionate athletes. Link to our fundraising page at Cancerfonden here, an article about it here and a short impression video here.

The participants and supporting crew members from this epic challenge and event. All 13 participants managed sub24 hours! Louise (under the 200000 SEK check) was our great Social Media Manager!
The year 2016 was okay, but 2017 was fantastic. Going from tiered of work and Switzerland, and then also realizing I jumped in to a wrong relationship, I solved it all well taking a year at Sandvik, living in Gävle. The role as Project Manager for Logistics and my apartment there was just awesome, but my heart for Falun is beating hard all the time. Getting together with Louise and spending a fantastic vacation time (road trip) to Norway made it all clear: Time for a new chapter in life - again!

My homepage is a bit updated. Not sure I will update the content soon though...

Monday 22 August 2016

Back in Sweden

This year I left Switzerland and moved back to Sweden. For more than a year it was no words on my blog here, but for those of you who follow me on Facebook and Instagram you can at least see that I've been alive and doing a lot of things as usual. I will not give a full recap, but here is at least a summary:

After Val d´Isere (spring 2015) there was a lot of running on the schedule and I smashed in on new PB in both half marathon (1:19) and the full distance (2:53). Apart from all the training preparing for the Ironman in Copenhagen I dated (and spent time with) women like crazy. I guess I had a need for it and were in one of those phases... One of the highlights was to spend several summer days in a small apartment in Silvaplana, Engadin, thinking "this must be paradise".

Autumns´ highlight was the KMD Copenhagen Ironman. I aimed for sub 10, but a (multiple) flat on the front wheel (on my TT bike) slowed me down a bit too much for reaching that goal. Ended up on 10:29 which still is my new PB and something to be proud of.

Winter came and with that I started to feel a stronger wish for letting go of work and starting a new chapter in life. I saw it as the right moment to take up my roots and let the wind of change blow on the ocean of destiny. Already in November I spontaneously invested in great ski equipment for both on an off the slope. I had a lot of time to think a bit more relaxed as I spent a lot of time on skies both in the Alps and in Sweden. During the time in Sweden over new year I met my new girlfriend Marie. I fell in love immediately. I dated Marie for the months to follow and it all felt the way it should. My last vacation in February was spent with Jesper Hassel, Emelie Gustafsson and Björn Svernhage on Hokkaido and in Tokyo (both in Japan). With that done, I felt ready with Switzerland, resigned from work and apartment. I looked forward to a long summer vacation. Indeed I've had a long time off now (I still have), but it has not only felt like spare time. Moving out from Switzerland in April and all the administration that comes with that took a lot of time and energy. In addition I felt low on energy, forcing me to slow down and taking it very easy now for some months.

I still feel Switzerland in me. I´m happy Marie and I could visit Silvaplana with all its beautiful surroundings in July this summer. However, the summer time in Sweden has been amazing. I've done some sport for sure and I had the pleasure to try out both swimrun and horse riding. However, I still feel the most for triathlon at the moment so soon I will set up a new goal and plan for improving in that.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Easter in Val d'Isère

OK, time to blog about a travel experience again(!) - sorry if making you jealous. I had my last wave/dose of winter for this crazy season of mine placed in Val d'Isère, France. I joined my old good Chalmers friends Jesper and Axel (and his Charlotte) from Gothenburg, Sweden, for this trip. In Val d'Isère we met up with Björn, Emelie and other nice Swedish people. I rented really good ("Premium") skies and went "all-in" for an energetic & unforgettable ski vacation.

For doing "offpist" for the third time in my life I'm actually really impressed about how damn talented I am. Still, I start to wonder why I missed out on this fun activity all my years as youth and adult. Stuck in old habits and patterns I guess. Anyhow, we had 4,5 fantastic days consisting of some training, a lot of skiing, after ski, really good dinners/food, party and less sleep.

Here are ten favorite photos for me to remember from and for you other to get inspired by (for 146 more photos click here)

A nice 3D map in our apartment -Here, in Val d'Isère, we are right now!

Without Jesper I would not enjoy this trip at all. He is so fun to hang around with!

The first after ski had a relatively fancy level.

Here I got the weekly need of meat #stek

Emelie shows the way to do offpist so sexy! Halleluja moment(?)!

COCORICO - The after ski place #1 in Val d'Isère

A good (or bad?) thing with having beard and doing offpist skiing in a lot of new snow ;-)

Offpist area (like a virgin).

Sweet XXL hamburger at fancy restaurant up in the slopes.

After 4,5 days of fantastic skiing and social things Jesper & I took it piano some minutes...
Stay tuned for youtube video (coming up soon) from the fantastic offpist and normal skiing. Next season we already decided to go to Japan Jan/Feb. Looking forward... :-)

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Lanzarote (Ironman training camp)

Coming back to Club La Santa was a dream comes true. I was here in 2006 (I think it was that year at least...time flies). This time I went here with my IKEA Supply AG colleague Jens Nielsen and we are both training for an Ironman (the one in Copenhagen - 24rd of August this year) so what would be better than participating at a perfectly arranged "long distance triathlon camp" at this time of the year to kick start the triathlon training season.

Club La Santa! I love it here and then of course when it comes to (hard) training. For relaxation and/or romantic holiday there are other places on the canary island that I recommend (this still in fresh mind). I saved all the gps data from my trainings on Strava so you can find the sessions an see my performance during the week here if you check between 25th of February and 4th of March. To summarize it was close to 30 hours of triathlon training (swim, road biking and/or running) during these 6 days on the island, meaning almost 5 hours a day - and it went perfectly fine! Great living in a suite, healthy food and great mix of trainings (3 times a day and only 2 times on the "resting day").

After the training camp we came home in a really good shape, energetic and super fit. I'm really impressed about how well Jens managed to push all the way through the training camp in a professional way - starting with doing this level of sport first in last year - it is truly impressive.

Here are some top 10 photos (for more photos click here) and again I prefer to let the photos talk (it is optional to watch the photos with this Club La Santa song in the background):

The biking paradise island: Lanzarote!

Listening to good music. It's during the relaxation parts that one gets better...

OK, this is me on a Argon 18 E116 with Ultegra Di2. I want this bike.

Jens is so happy to soon be crawling in the lagoon!

-You need to be good and stupid to take a selfie while riding, coach Ain said.

Nice landscape and weather for bike riding. Living the dream!

Club La Santa pool area by night (evening). Took a short walk after dinner...

How do we get enough energy for all training? Enervit!

The weather for the last part of the week...
Super nice weather also the last day riding... Wine areas on the sides.