In English this time! I just felt for it....

If I hadn't taken the job-offer in Eksjö, last weekend, I would probably not be in stress now due to the delayed DVD-project, I could have had time for training, sleeping and I would have had more energy in my body for sure. I would maybe be done with the project by now and could concentrate on my 15-17 h/week-training when I get home in December, but.......then I wouldn't have experienced last weekends suddenly job and this great and challenging summer job that follows. Now all this with the konfa takes a lot of my time, but I want it! I want to work with this from all of my heart! I'm sure everything will work out fine anyway. I got a 12 hours flight tomorrow = a lot of time to rest/sleep and during 2 weeks in Thailand I can figure something out to make my work with the 450 DVD's that is to be duplicated effective. The project consist of a DVD-box including 9 DVD's filled with interviews with my grandma just the year before she died. It's a cousin of mine that made this interviews and excellent documentation in this past years. He also made the DVD-paper covers. My grandma, Gunnel, died in cancer autumn 2005. But she had a wonderful life and that's something that the DVD's now can proof and inspire us all with.
Background: I'm now loading over the movie's from the DV-tapes to the computer...making

1 comment:
Nja, gick inte riktigt som planerat med sömnen där... sov ingenting på 11 timmars-resan till Thailand. Kollade mest på film istället. Men sen väl i Thailand var jag destå tröttare de första dagarna... Ojoj, vilken jetlag som slog till mig då. Hemresan nu gick betydligt bättre. Sov till och med lite.
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