Saturday, 17 November 2012

Dust, Soot, Sulfates & Sea salt over the Globe

This video is amazing and gives you some seconds to think about the fact that "goes around - comes around" and also that our earth is also our responsibility. Cred: Animation by NASA, youtube video (below) by Phil Plait at and Sven Larsson, my good friend who found/shared this video clip.

[Hint: Make sure to also view/set the video to 720p resolution]

Red is dust, green is soot, white is sulfates (from fossil fuel burning and volcanoes), and blue is sea salt whipped up from the ocean surface.

Phil Plait comments in his blog post: I annotated the video to point out some interesting bits, like how you can watch the Saharan dust blow west to Florida. I was also amazed when a huge white (sulfate) bloom appeared to the northwest of Madagascar in January 2007, and then found out there was a big eruption of the Karthala volcano at that time. You can also see lots of sulfates (presumably from fossil fuel burning) over the U.S., Europe, and China. Seeing all these aerosols whipped around into cyclonic shapes and moving across land and sea is simply mesmerizing. When you see the Earth laid out like this, and the particles in our atmosphere swept around, you cannot help but see that no part of the Earth stands alone. Every point on our planet touches every other point in one way or another. And even if I made an error in that last post, the overall message is still the same: we need to monitor our world. The effect we are having on it is profound, and while we might have difficulty in detail understanding it all, the overwhelming evidence is that we’re heating the planet up, and this is affecting everything. Everything