In English this time! I just felt for it....

Oohh, life is so fun... Fly to Thailand tomorrow.. Sitting up all night burning some first DVD's in my next project and damn it's taking long time compiling it...

Consider this:
If I hadn't taken the job-offer in Eksjö, last weekend, I would probably not be in stress now due to the delayed DVD-project, I could have had time for training, sleeping and I would have had more energy in my body for sure. I would maybe be done with the project by now and could concentrate on my 15-17 h/week-training when I get home in December, but....

...then I wouldn't have experienced last weekends suddenly job and this great and challenging summer job that follows. Now all this with the konfa takes a lot of my time, but I want it! I want to work with this from all of my heart! I'm sure everything will work out fine anyway. I got a 12 hours flight tomorrow = a lot of time to rest/sleep and during 2 weeks in Thailand I can figure something out to make my work with the 450 DVD's that is to be duplicated effective. The project consist of a DVD-box including 9 DVD's filled with interviews with my grandma just the year before she died. It's a cousin of mine that made this interviews and excellent documentation in this past years. He also made the DVD-paper covers. My grandma, Gunnel, died in cancer autumn 2005. But she had a wonderful life and that's something that the DVD's now can proof and inspire us all with.
Background: I'm now loading over the movie's from the DV-tapes to the computer...making

DVD-menus and burning them on Verbatim DVD+R best lightScribe discs. When burned I can just flip them over and laser burn in a nice cover direct on the DVD's. Just 443 more to go now. But of course the 9 first take longer time. As a side project I made a robust DVD'box to put the 9 DVD's in. Its perfect fit. It got to be perfect. Otherwise I'm not satisfied... Damit, now I have so much to do and to complicate it all I want to make everything close to perfect... Ohh, it's 03.15..time for bed some hours... Good morning folks!!